Set The Ground Rules For Your Own Makeover With Pointers From ‘The Devil Wears Prada’

They say that the devil is in the details. I don’t know about you, but I hardly saw any Prada being worn in ‘The Devil Wears Prada‘. It feels like there has been a long lasting online battle to figure out if this movie gives us costume design, fashion or just carefully curated style. There are so many designer labels in each outfit that it almost seems impossible to say these outfits are just simply costume design. Andy (Anne Hathaway) and her hopeless sense of style makes us all wonder what it actually takes to have your own style makeover. – Costume Design by Patricia Field

You can not ignore the powerful designs of high fashion labels in ‘The Devil Wears Prada’. Whoever has worked in fashion long enough knows that we all need to go through different periods when it comes to our own style. What does it actually take to have yourself a quick makeover and make that style switch moving forward?

The Devil Wears Prada (2006) Directed by David Frankel, starring Anne Hathaway / Twentieth Century Fox

The art of a makeover. Real change is always preceded by chaos. There’s a certain amount of time needed to adjust to new situations and the process of change is nothing but comfortable. Maybe that’s why we always read that life happens outside of our comfort zone. Whether you are making some new life altering changes or have simply decided that it is time to clean up your wardrobe in order to present your truest self, it is never an easy path to set your sights on. Luckily, when it comes to cleaning up our appearance most of us don’t really need a full makeover. Try to embrace the change and the chaos. Has anyone ever cleaned up their closet without making a mess first? The chaos is part of the process. Block a certain amount of time and set realistic expectations. Start with the back of your closet (it’s probably the messiest) and let’s face it, there’s no way you’re finishing the clean out in one day. Go easy as you embark on this journey and take it one step at a time.

The Devil Wears Prada (2006) Directed by David Frankel, Costume Design by Patricia Field / Twentieth Century Fox

Judge the cover and read the book. If you’re continuing on your metamorphosis, it is important to find out what you like and why you like it. Start with making a mood board of your favorite outfit, even if you don’t have an occasion to wear it to… yet. Pick prints and colors you love before going on that spontaneous shopping spree. Forget practicality, logic and comfort. Try to dream a bit bigger than you usually would. It is easier to start with one dream outfit in order to find out the why behind your mood board and outfit choices. What is it about this certain look that would make you feel like a million bucks (besides the price tag itself)? Are there certain elements like color, pattern and fabric which you can incorporate into your current wardrobe to easily make that switch moving forward? Answering these questions will make your next shopping spree easier and less overwhelming when curating your new wardrobe.

Treasure the parts that make you who you are. Slowly we see Andy appreciating the history of designer labels and finding her own way in her style makeover. Her new wardrobe takes us on a journey of its own. Working in fashion comes with its perks. The rule to any new outfit you put on: If it does not feel right, it probably is not the one for you. Remember, even when you have narrowed down as to which new direction you are heading in, you still want your personality to shine through. A makeover should always be about polishing the edges instead of wiping the whole slate. If a green suit just isn’t something you feel comfortable in, it is good to remember that there will be another outfit out there that is definitely more YOU!

1.Tweed hat

2.Black top

3.Pearl Necklace

4.White Blouse

5.Natural Lipstick

6.Chain bracelet

1 remark
  • HcmK
    Published at 15:34h, 06 December Reply

    Brilliant movie! People do not talk enough about Emily Blunts green eye makeup..still think this is the only Emily who deserved to go to Paris❤️

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