Finding Fashionable, Durable And Sustainable Clothing With ‘Atomic Blonde’

Finding fashionable clothing items that are sustainably made and equally durable can be a long search. These days sustainable clothing brands just seem to have a nice ring to their name. You would have to do some legitimate research to find out how sustainable these clothing brands actually are. It takes a lot of time to do a deep dive into ethics every time you purchase a new clothing item, but the textile waste landfills are piling up and there is no shortage of fast fashion documentaries telling us otherwise. How sustainable is sustainable enough to win the ”my closet is sustainable AF” awards? – Costume Design by Cindy Evans

Atomic Blonde directed by David Leitch, gives us costume design with a delicate high-fashion touch. White trench coats, cool beanie hats, long structured winter coats, grey hoodies, studded ankle boots, oversized white t-shirts and perfectly tinted ’80s sunglasses. A little mixture of high-fashion with the right amount of street style equals a wardrobe made to kill for.

Atomic Blonde (2017), Directed by David Leitch, Costume Design by Cindy Evans / Focus Features

The wonder of durable fashion. Sometimes sustainable fashion brands can do more harm than good. A recycled plastic bottle t-shirt sounds great, right? Recycled clothing items almost make it feel like you pitched in and did your part in going over to the fashion go-green wonderland. Your new recycled t-shirt basically smells like fresh air and 50 new trees being planted in your neighbourhood. As soon as you dig a bit deeper, you realize there is more to it. But you have to be willing to start investigating in the first place.

Atomic Blonde (2017), Directed by David Leitch, Starring Charlize Theron / Focus Features

Do a bit of research. The best clothing brands are usually well prepared to go the distance. These brands are more on the side of durable fashion. Making their clothing last is a top priority. You can do a bit of background research on most fashion brands if you have some time on your hands. All you need to do is ask a few questions. You can also have a sustainable wardrobe on any budget, it just depends on how invested you are in making your wardrobe as sustainable as can be.

Should you even give a shit? Where words fail, fashion can sometimes do the talking. As for sustainable clothing brands putting in the effort to their supply chain? Do some extra research. The whole point of buying new clothes is having a wardrobe that makes you feel good. When it comes to ethics, not as many people like to practice as much as they like to loudly preach. Make it your goal to throw away less clothes each year. Know where to draw your fashion ethical boundaries. Nowadays, it seems impossible to expect profit making companies to hold themselves accountable. When you decide with your wallet. You decide which fashion house to cheer for.

1. Black coat

2. Black dress

3. Gentle Monster sunglasses

4. Check scarf

5. Tights

6. Black boots

And if you cannot forget about those red patent stiletto heels? Here is another style alternative.

2 remarks
  • Markoni
    Published at 19:55h, 14 February Reply

    I’m loving this website Majo

    Sustainability all the way!

  • Lena
    Published at 16:56h, 25 April Reply

    Love this sustainable content🌱✨

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