Explore Your Signature Style With The Iconic Glamour in ‘Sex & The City’

A sense of style that almost feels impossible to emulate because it requires every letter it signifies to be delicately flipped and observed in order to even come close to implementing it into your own wardrobe. A great sense of style can never be an act of copy and paste. It requires a signature flavor of your own personality. Any kind of replica looks good from a distance, but usually lacks the hours spent to the attention of detail. What does it take to create your own signature style? – Costume Design by Patricia Field

Sex & The City directed by Michael Patrick King is set in the hustle and bustle of New York City. As signified in the HBO series, the city of New York also portrays the fifth main character in this first feature film. Carrie Bradshaw winks to her past and explains why every woman comes to New York in search of labels and love. We dive back into the lives of Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte in Manhattan, while Samantha is settled on the West Coast trying to avoid being homesick.

Sex & The City (2008) Directed by Michael Patrick King, Costume Design by Patricia Field / New Line Cinema

How to create your own style? Carrie is navigating through a huge (some would say Big) life event, which leads to some new and interesting costume choices. Miranda gets a serious glam up! She is wearing less formal lawyer basic business attire and more feminine pencil skirts. Charlotte is reaching the pinnacle of Upper East Side chic and Samantha’s outfits are influenced by her new hometown of Los Angeles. She wears lots of vibrant suits with bold statement pieces. Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha each represent a certain sense of style. I believe that less is more when it comes to great style, but that might not be the same golden wardrobe rule you need to live by. The way you develop your sense of style has less to do with the way you clear out your wardrobe every month (or year) and depends more on asking yourself the right questions before your next fashion purchase.

Sex & The City (2008) Directed by Michael Patrick King, Costume Design by Patricia Field / New Line Cinema

Get ready to prep your style notebook.

Stylenote #1: Stop comparison overkill! You also do not need to go crazy with different styling options to look different. What’s your favorite go-to place to take a break from it all? What’s your favorite song? Look for the answers and find inspiration in these places. Starting from a small idea will allow you to easily make a distinction between the things you genuinely love and the kind of style that will suit you best.

Stylenote #2: Tell your story. Tell your story and start with the question: What’s the occasion? Sometimes that question can eliminate 50% of your wardrobe. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have anything to wear. It just doesn’t fit the occasion. The more detailed you are able to tell your story, the easier it will be to style your outfit. 

Stylenote #3: Shop in outfits. Always shop in outfits and not in items. This does not mean that everything always needs to match. This style rule is as simple as knowing what you own and loving it! The next time you’re just about to swipe your card for a new purchase, maybe ask yourself: Does this suit anything in my closet or did the color just catch my eye? Crushes usually come and go, you want to develop a lasting relationship with your wardrobe.

Stylenote #4: Find your 15 pieces. If you had to let go of your entire wardrobe tomorrow, which 15 items would you keep? Look at these 15 pieces as the backbone of your wardrobe. Are they practical for your lifestyle or do you just love them for how they make you feel? What do you actually wear? Can you build your whole wardrobe around these 15 pieces?

Stylenote #5: Find your signature mark. That one thing that you can wear anywhere and it truly represents you! Do you absolutely love that black headband you scored at a vintage store years ago? Make it your own! It can add a cool vibe to your rocker chic outfit or it can add a bit more personality to your bohemian beach dress. It can be any versatile piece that you can’t live without and it will add an authentic touch to any of your outfits. 

A statement piece goes a long way. A classic colorful statement piece will stand the test of time and conquer any fashion rage. It has allowed me to keep my wardrobe from exploding for the last couple of years. I would like to say that I am a minimalist, but to be completely honest… I’m just not. One of the oldest pieces in my wardrobe is a long pink tweed coat. Whether I pair it with a classic polka dot dress during spring or a black turtleneck dress during winter, it always adds a splash of colorful softness to any outfit!

1.Mini bag

2.Pink coat

3.Polkadot dress

4.Pink sandals

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